
Showing posts from August, 2020

My Vision of a Social Enterprise

 My Vision of a Social Enterprise Coconut Farmers Access to Fair Cost of Products and Marketing (CO-COST) Background and Rationale Quezon Province is known for its large coconut plantation area. It is a relatively main source of coconuts and coconut products of the country. However, given this situation, coconut farmers gain just a minimal income from their harvest of coconut fruits. Since most of them are also crops and palay farmers, they do not focus on how to maximize profitability in their coconut plants. They just considered it as a monthly extra-income. Not exploring the coconut industry, coconut planters/farmers just rely on middlemen buyers of their products. Those buyers are ones giving the price to the farmers which on the average falls only on 4-7 pesos per piece. Those middlemen then will be the ones who has access to market and sell it in higher pricing doubling and tripling their income against the planters. This scenario of unfair trade for coconut planters/farmer