My Vision of a Social Enterprise

 My Vision of a Social Enterprise

Coconut Farmers Access to Fair Cost of Products and Marketing


Background and Rationale

Quezon Province is known for its large coconut plantation area. It is a relatively main source of coconuts and coconut products of the country. However, given this situation, coconut farmers gain just a minimal income from their harvest of coconut fruits. Since most of them are also crops and palay farmers, they do not focus on how to maximize profitability in their coconut plants. They just considered it as a monthly extra-income.

Not exploring the coconut industry, coconut planters/farmers just rely on middlemen buyers of their products. Those buyers are ones giving the price to the farmers which on the average falls only on 4-7 pesos per piece. Those middlemen then will be the ones who has access to market and sell it in higher pricing doubling and tripling their income against the planters.

This scenario of unfair trade for coconut planters/farmers drive the proponent to propose a social enterprise named Coconut Farmers Access to Fair Cost of Products and Marketing (CO-COST) with the objective of giving the farmers access to fair market trade to sell their products at reasonable costs thereby maximizing their profitability in stable coconut and coconut products selling.

Description of Service

A social enterprise will be established to help the coconut planters/farmers maximize their income generated from their coconut farms. There will be individuals in the organization who will look for and coordinate with coconut processing industries in order to directly sell the products of farmers.

Memoranda of Agreement between and among the processing plants and industries with the social enterprise will be secured to protect the interest of the farmers. In order to raise the cost of the coconut products, professional or skilled person will negotiate with the buyer industries by letting them bid the price over large amount of coconuts aggregated from different planters/farmers in every municipality in the province.

The individuals who will be managing the operations of the enterprise will receive a fixed and just compensation and percentage bonus when coconut products are sold higher than the average market price.

There will be a board comprised of coconut planters in every district or area in order to secure the interest of the farmers and that to ensure that there will be no one from the employees of the enterprise and of the industries who will took advantage by having under the table discussions.

Benefits to Stakeholders

The following stakeholders will benefit with the social enterprise:

Coconut planters/farmers-maximize profit gain from coconut farming

Coconut processing plant and industries-securing regular supplies of coconut products

Social enterprise employees-job opportunity for few community members

Value Proposition

The enterprise will be established to mainly serve the coconut planters/farmers in Quezon Province by providing them fair trade of their products by maximizing their profit gain through aggregate bidding to raise the cost of coconut products to be sold.


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