Lesson 1 Definition of Learner-Centered Teaching

 Research studies on students learning and instructional delivery of teachers throughout the years suggested the gradual shift of teaching-learning approach from “teacher as sage on stage” – the sole source of all knowledge to teachers as facilitators of the learning process. Facilitating learning rooted on the premise of learner-centeredness.


Learner-centeredness has been the new trend in education. Several meanings and definitions were provided by the wide range of authorities in the field. Different in construct, but generally the content of each definition they provide of what learner-centered teaching means pointed out similar ideals.


Here, we are going to define learner-centered teaching according to the five characteristics Weimer (2012) discussed:


  1.     Learner-centered teaching engages students in the hard, messy work of learning. We need to stop over-working everything, let the students do more – experience difficulties and challenges in learning. This way learners will be more engaged in a sense by providing a lot of activities and learning task for them to practice the mastery of required skills or competency.

source: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Flearner-centered-instruction.fandom.com%2Fwiki%2FLearner_Centered_Approach_Key_Principles&psig=AOvVaw2DVX907t21MJtfqwuCS7CP&ust=1693716575373000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBAQjRxqFwoTCLDltIuQi4EDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAR

  1.      Learner-centered teaching includes explicit skill instruction. According to Weimer, students not only need to develop an understanding of a discipline’s knowledge base (content), but they also need to understand how that knowledge is organized and acquired (learning skills). By learning how to solve problems, think critically, apply information, and integrate knowledge, students can learn to think like experts in a discipline. In other words, they not only need to learn content, but they also need to know how they can learn more, which is critical in today’s environment where information is easily accessible and exponentially growing.


  1.      Learner-centered teaching encourages students to reflect on what they are learning and how they are learning it. One way of promoting student-centeredness is by allowing our students to reflect. Through reflection, students can internalize the value and relevance of what they learned. They are also enabled to assess and evaluate the efficiency in the way they learn.


  1.      Learner-centered teaching motivates students by giving them some control over learning processes. It does not necessarily means that we just left our students by themselves to learn on their own. As teachers, we are the ones to decide on what content they are to learn. However, to make their learning more personalized there should be shared responsibilities. We should involved them in the decision making process as to what pace, what mode of instruction, what kind of performance task or assessment they prefer. In this way they will feel that they have the control on their own learning.


  1.     Learner-centered teaching encourages collaboration. Students can learn not from teachers alone but also from their co-learners and other individuals inside or outside the school grounds. Through collaborative activities like group works and projects learners are able to learn new things from each other’s experiences. In group discussion and brainstorming, students are able to elicit new ideas and understand concept deeper.


Supplementary Videos

You may watch the following videoclips to learn more about the five characteristics of learner-centered teaching: 


  • Aquino, A. M. (2009). Facilitating human learning (First Edition). Rex Book Store, Inc.
  • Bulusan, F., Raquepo, M. R., Balmeo, M. L., & Gutierrez, J. C. (2019). Facilitating learner-centered teaching (First Edition). Rex Book Store, Inc.
  • CMO No. 75 s. 2017, Policies, Standards and Guidelines for Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSEd), p. 39
  • CMO No. 80 s. 2017, Policies, Standards and Guidelines for Bachelor of Physical Education (BPEd), p. 24
  • Lucas, M. R. D., & Corpuz, B. B. (2013). Facilitating learning: a metacognitive process (3rd Edition). LORIMAR Publishing, Inc.
  • Ornos, P. S., Gonzaga, E. P., Esgra, C. B., Gomez, N. G., Tarinay, A. R., & Verde, S. P. (2008). Facilitators of the learning process. Grandwater Publications.
  • Vega, V. A., & Prieto, N. G. (2012). Facilitating learning (Revised Edition). Books Atbp. Publishing Corp.
  • Weimer, M. (2012). Five characteristics of learner-centered teaching. Retrieved August 15, 2021, from http://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/effective-teaching-strategies/five-characteristicsof-learner-centered-teaching/



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