Lesson 9 Designing Performance-Based Assessments

 A. Focus of Performance-Based Assessment

Performance-based assessment may assess the students’ process, product or both depending bon the learning targets.  Below are the guidelines according to Gronlund (1998) regarding on when to use process-oriented assessment instead of product-oriented assessment and vise versa.

Use process when:

  1. There is no product
  2. The process is orderly and directly observable
  3. Correct procedures/steps are crucial
  4. Analysis of procedural steps can help in improving the product
  5. Learning is at the early stages


Use product when:

  1. Different procedures can be used to produce the same product
  2. Procedures are not available for observation
  3. Procedures have been mastered already
  4. Products have qualities that can be identified and judged


The following are the four types of accomplishments of the learners using performance-based assessment according to Gabuyo and Dy (2013).




Poems, charts, graphs, exhibits, drawings, maps

Complex cognitive process

Skills in acquiring, organizing and using information like research paper writing and case studies

Observable performance

Physical movement such as dance, gymnastics, oral presentation, laboratory processes, cooking procedures and sewing

Habits of mind and social skills

Mental and behavioral habits such as persistence and cooperation during groupwork


B. Steps in Developing Performance-Based Assessment

Being new to performance-based assessment, it is quite difficult for you to identify in where to begin creating your own. In order for you to design and develop a performance task, you need to follow a procedure as a guide. Mainly, there are four general steps in order to craft your own performance-based assessment. Those are:

  1. Define the purpose of the assessment
  2. Determine the skills, learning outcomes and taxonomy level
  3. Design and develop activity or performance task
  4. Define the performance criteria


C. Suggestions and Guidelines from Constructing Performance Task

It is very important to develop high quality performance assessment that effectively measures complex learning outcomes. Below are the different suggestions in developing performance tasks and the ways of improving scores (Gronlund, et al., 2009)

  1. Focus on learning outcomes that require complex cognitive skills and student performances
  2. Select or develop tasks that represents both content and skills that are central to important learning outcomes
  3. Minimize the dependence of task performance on skills that are relevant to intended purpose of the assessment task
  4. Provide the necessary scaffolding for the students to be able to understand the task and what is expected from their performance
  5. Construct task directions so that the students’ task is clearly indicated
  6. Clearly communicate performance expectations in terms of the scoring rubrics by which the performance will be judged

McMillan (2007) Checklist for Writing a Good Performance Task

  • Essential content and skills targets are integrated
  • Multiple targets are included
  • The task is authentic
  • The task is teachable
  • The task is feasible
  • Multiple paths or solutions are possible
  • The nature of the task is clear
  • The task is challenging and stimulating
  • Criteria for scoring is included*
  • Constraints for completing the task is included


D. The GRASP Model

Since constructing an assessment task based on the guidelines above can be tricky, Wiggins and McTighe’s develop the so called GRASPS model.


GRASPS elements

Sample Statement


to market and supply the self-made masks in a barangay


you are the sales personnel of your garment company


the barangay officials


a certain barangay near your locality suddenly spikes positive cases for COVID19, the barangay officials decided to supply free face mask to avoid further transmission in their community

Product or Performance

sample self-made mask and presentation

Standards and Criteria

ecofriendly, of low cost and effective

Task Description

A certain barangay near your locality suddenly spikes positive cases for COVID19, the barangay officials decided to supply free face mask to avoid further transmission in their community. As one of the sales personnel of your garment company, your goal is to market and supply the self-made masks in the barangay. Your product, self-made mask must ecofriendly, of low cost and effective. Through your presentation and sample mask, you need to convince the barangay officials to be the supplier of their free mask.


  1. Balagtas, M. et al. (2020). Assessment in Learning 2. Quezon City, Philippines: Rex Book Store, Inc.
  2. Cajigal, R. & Mantuano, M. L. (2014). Assessment of Learning 2. Quezon City, Philippines: Adriana Publishing Co., Inc.
  3. Corpuz, B. & Cuartel, I. (2021). Assessment in Learning 2: Authentic Assessment. Quezon City, Philippines: Lorimar Publishing, Inc.
  4. CMO No. 75 s. 2017, Policies, Standards and Guidelines for Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSEd), p. 40
  5. CMO No. 80 s. 2017, Policies, Standards and Guidelines for Bachelor of Physical Education (BPEd), p. 25
  6. De Guzman-Santos, R. (2007). Advanced Methods in Educational Assessment and Evaluation. Assessment of Learning 2. Quezon City, Philippines: Lorimar Publishing, Inc.
  7. Gabuyo, Y. & Dy, G. (2013). Assessment of Learning II. Quezon City, Philippines: Rex Book Store, Inc.
  8. Garcia, C. (2008). Measuring and Evaluating Learning Outcomes: A Textbook in Assessment of Learning 1 & 2Mandaluyong City, Philippines: Books Atbp. Publishing Corp.


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